Some of the most expensive jewelries in the world are made from diamond. It is a bright shiny substance that everyone wants to have and keep. And so they go to great lengths of trouble just to acquire it, not to mention how much they pay. You won't believe how much people are willing to pay for the right piece of diamond. Incredible, yes, but it's very valuable.
Diamonds are worth learning a little something about if you intend to own a jewel made of the faultless gems. They are crystals that are composed out of pure carbon. This happens within the bowels of the earth for long ages, before the compound is spewed forth, perfect enough to dazzle your eyes. Now you know.
Since the time it was discovered, the beauty of diamonds has been such that only the best of men could own it. They were originally only owned by lords or kings, nobles or men of wealth. It is like the purity of the piece calls for the purest of men, and indeed they respond. They did so then, as well they do now.
After eruption, molten magma from the earth's crust solidifies and forms the rocks that we know today. If they have passed through diamond sites in the bowels, they will carry pieces of the precious stones in them. This is where we find them, the diamonds, before we process them into the form we love so much.
The stones that made the mountains were not always solid. At one time, they were molten, known as magma, made so by the extreme pressures and heat in the earth's heart; the same pressures and heat that formed diamonds over eons of processing. So when the magma came up, so did the diamonds with it. Today, we mine them and wear them, and we bask in the glory of the diamond jewelry.
Even in its most impure form, diamond is purer than most all the substances on the earth. And when it is cleaned out, you could hardly believe your eyes, staring at its radiance. It shines, it glitters, and it clings to you. Once you lay your hands on it, you never want to let it go.
You don't want to be left alone in a room with a diamond; the temptation is too strong and unfair. You could be all pure and holy, but at the very least you would desire to touch the flawless stone. And from that moment, you might never want to rest until you own it – legally or no.
There will be more information about wholesale jewelry and pearl earrings
Orignal From: Best Diamond Jewelry