All the juicy properties of diamond collectively make it an important industrial and scientific material. It is so unique that people would pay a lot of money to own it and show it off. Now you know why it is perhaps the richest material that is usable for jewelry.
It is easy to condemn all those that have fought and killed each other over the diamond because you have never held the piece in your hand. The day you do, pray you have the will to resist that lure, for it might be your undoing. Diamonds are more than just myth; they are life.
People try to compare the character of the diamond to that of the human. The stone is flawless, but man falters. The stone radiates, but the character of man is questionable. Little wonder a woman would sooner own a diamond than a million promises from a man.
Sometimes you feel a kinship with mother earth when you wear diamond jewelry on your person. Knowing that on your body lies a piece of this world that is as old, perhaps as the world itself, it makes you feel like a king. And perhaps you are, if not you will not have that stone on you.
The diamonds that are created traditionally in the bowels of the earth are ancient. Those that are made in shallower regions and brought to the surface by tectonic movement are generally younger. They many times comprise relics of larger diamonds which are actually nothing more than graphite. Their purity do not serve them very well as jewels.
There are some diamond types that are not sold as trinkets such as ballas, bort, and carbonado. Instead they are used for cutting, tough-coating, and all other kinds of industrial processes. If you come across some of these, you might not even recognize them as diamonds unless you are told.
Where the diamond is found, there are all kinds of stones and rocks that are totally worthless. Whereas the diamond dwells among them and shines still. And so it is in every facet of life. It remains beautiful through all the imperfections of the world around it.
We will give you more information about wholesale jewelry and pearl earrings
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