Okay, first of all, what is wrong with you that you have to get cheap on jewelry? Wouldn't it be better to simply not buy any jewelry at all? Of course, maybe you want to send that special message to a loved one and you just don't have the money to buy expensive items.
It all depends on circumstance, but buying cheap jewelry can be a slippery slope and if the reasons are not good, you could find yourself right out of a relationship.
Jewelry, as we know, comes at a very high cost usually. Rings, necklaces and earrings with gemstones like diamonds in them often run at hundreds of dollars in price. Naturally, it can be very hard for many of us to afford that.
The water in an opal is stable, in a stable opal! Some opals are so "water logged" when mined that is a few weeks in dry air the stone will crack from drying out! Gem quality opals do not do this. Opal chosen for cutting into stones have a water content which is contained in the stone and are proven to be stable and safe. These opals should not change from "water loss" over the lifetime of the jewelry. Soaking an opal in water or oil is not needed and comes from old rumors.
General Care. Here is the rest of the care information. First of all, think of the opal as glass, even thought is it not glass but is similar. Keeping this in mind will prevent damage. Cleaning is easily done with a mild dish detergent at room temperature. Use a very soft brush or your fingers to take body oils and soil off the jewelry.Rinse and pat dry. This is an excellent time to check and be sure the stone is secure and tight in the setting. Tap the ring next to your ear to hear a slight "rattle" indicating a loose stone.
Heat and cold may damage an opal. Generally, when very sudden and extreme changes of temperature happen, an opal might be damaged. This is like heating the stone quickly with a flame..zap, like most other stones it will break. Everyday changes in temp will be safe. Do take care in extreme cases like going from a sauna to a dip in a frozen pond! That kind of temperature change could damage the stone. Everyday wear is safe.
I would not jump into a hot shower when coming in from the cold while wearing opals. Simply take the ring off and keep it out of the bath in the first place. This keeps the stone cleaner by avoiding very difficult to clean "soap scum" and the potentially dangerous sudden heat change.
Avoid abrasives. Abrasives are like sandpaper. Things which will scratch glass will scratch an opal. Take the ring off if you are going too wash dishes, working in the yard and when filling a sand box or applying makeup. Yes, makeup is abrasive.
Do you often go shopping on line? There are a lot of interesting things on there. One of the most popular sections at for any occasion is pearl section. Here, you'll find hundreds of Tiffany-inspired choices of wholesale pearl bracelet, pearl necklace, cheap pearl strands, pearl beads, cultured pearl ring, multi-strand necklace, cheap pearl earing, tin cup necklace , cultured pearl pendant, single strand necklaces … You can't go wrong when you choose any of these exquisitely designed masterpieces for yourself or your friends. The beauty speaks volumes about your good taste in jewelry design.I would like to share good things with you. Let go to wholesale pearl jewelry together.
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