The pearl is the official birthstone of those who have been born in June. They are usually the preferred choice of jewelry of brides and young women who want to effectively add some elegance. Pearl jewelry can also be given as wonderful gifts for birthdays, Christmas, graduation, anniversary, or just a sweet something to cherish your loved one.
A pearl's dominant color basically comes from the pearl surface's main reflection. Light-colored pearls come in shades of golden, cream and white. The most valuable light-colored pearls are generally the ones that are white with silver or pink undertones, while the best dark-colored pearls would be the ones that are black with blue or green overtones.
However; they can be expensive and in fact tend to be more expensive then saltwater pearls. China has recently emerged as a dominant force in the freshwater pearl production industry and the quality of Chinese freshwater pearl jewelry has increased dramatically over the past few years.
Of course you will always find the best deals on freshwater pearl jewelry online but there are a few things to bear in mind. Only shop from reputable websites, is rule number one. If you insist on shopping around for deals blindly, then you do so at your own risk.
If a deal sounds too good to be true then it most likely is. Also you have to bear in mind that certificates of authenticity are easily counterfeited now, so get too excited if an online source is offering them, unless of course, if it is a reputable website.
As jewelry goes, pearl jewelry including freshwater pearl jewelry is delicate. They are considered to be soft and that means that they can scratch if they are not worn or stored carefully. Only wash pearls with pearl cleaner, as standard cleaners can degrade the surface of a pearl.
Also, remember to wipe them down after you have worn them, as acids on your skin can have a a negative effect on the luster or sheen of pearl jewelry. Hot and humid weather, as well as sweat can also have a negative effect on the surface of pearl jewelry, so it is advisable that pearls not be worn in that type of climate if at all possible. However; the fact is that if freshwater pearl jewelry is properly cared for and maintained it will last indefinitely
This is due to the fact that pearl farming is very labor intensive work and China with its over one-billion residents has plenty of cheap labor to keep a burgeoning pearl industry supplied. Akoya pearl jewelry has to be cared for after it has been purchased due to the fact that pearls are not as durable as other gemstones.
They should be kept carefully in their own clothe bag, so they don't get scratched by other jewelry in a jewelry box. Also due to the actual mineral composition of Akoya pearl jewelry, acid in any form is its worst enemy.
Do you find more knowledge on how to care freshawter pearl jewelry, pearl strands, green turquoise jewelry, shell jewelry, shell pearl jewelry, red coral jewelry and sterling silver jewelry, also you can get more knowledge on how to match pearl necklace, multi-strands necklaces, pearl bracelet, pearl earrings to your different styles of clothes. In China Wholesale Pearl Jewelry centre you also can get more styles and colors of pearl jewelry to match any colors of your skin.
Orignal From: The pearl is the official birthstone