The Black Pearl may have been a ship in a movie but the black pearls in a black pearl necklace come from the South pacific islands and are often called South Sea Pearls or Tahitian Pearls.
They can look quite splendid especially in a tastefully made black pearl necklace which shows off the skin tone and the dress. A black pearl necklace is the basic black of jewelry and will go with most designs and fashions.
This red stone has long been associated with love, passion and power. One of the more precious stones, it is considered the King of gemstones and has been extensively used in crowns and jewelry of Kings, Queens and Emperors. Mined mainly in India, the finest rubies are quite rare and expensive.
When looking for a black pearl necklace there are some things to keep in mind.
Black pearls come in a range of sizes as well as qualities. The size, quantity and quality will depend largely on your budget. The more you can spend the bigger and more pearls you can get for the necklace. However you may not want large pearls of course. The shape and thickness of the neck is important so that you pick the size that is right for you. If one's neck is on the thin size too big pearls will emphasis the thinness of the neck. While too small a set of pearls on a thicker neck will look tiny and out of place.
Wholesale jewelry store can provide the perfect choice for wedding jewelry.
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