For the record, pearls are jewels, but not gems. Gems are mineral crystals produced inside the Earth; pearls are natural articles most often produced by oysters. They form when a nucleus (a speck of food, usually) gets caught in the oyster and is coated with nacre or mother-of-pearl. The longer the irritant stays in, the more nacre coats it and the bigger the pearl. Layers of nacre reflect light in a unique way, giving pearls their characteristic glow.
Mollusks are found all over, but produce so few jewelry-quality pearls that natural pearls were limited to kings and merchant princes as gifts to wives, currency to friends or bribes to enemies! Today, most modern jewelry consists of cultured pearls. They are real pearls in every sense and more affordable because finding them isn't luck--pearl farmers implant a nucleus in an oyster, instead of waiting for it to happen on its own.
To prevent over-fishing, harvesting natural pearls has been outlawed in many countries, but natural pearls are still available, most often in vintage jewelry, also called antique or estate jewelry.
Pearls vary in quality and are graded on seven factors
Size: Pearls are measured in millimeters (mm); 25.4 millimeters equals 1 inch, so, a 6 mm pearl is just under one-quarter-inch in diameter.
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Orignal From: For the record