The Jewelry Teenagers Choose and Wear
The type of jewelry that teens wear is most of the time derived from what they see on TV and in the magazines. The emergence of the MTV culture is one of powerful factors that affect teen jewelry. Teens try to attain the kind of image that their celebrity idols have so they imitate the kind jewelries that these celebrities wear.
You're also likely to see teens wearing a yin-yang brooch or ring, a necklace with the Star of David pendant, and a fish inspired bracelet. Wearing the symbols particular to a belief, however, does not necessarily mean that the wearer believes in the principles behind these symbols.
The teens of today are also into cultures like gothic and punk and their clothes, their hairstyle and, of course, the jewelry they wear reflect this trend. You will see teenagers with pierced ears, tongue, and nose. They also have belly rings, toe rings, and all other kinds of rings that are meant for anything but the fingers.
Jewelry: Not Exclusive to Female Teens
In the past and even today, male members of a certain tribe of group wear certain articles of jewelry. However, boys aged 12-16, who are not members of a particular tribe or community, are also wearing jewelry these days. Unlike adult men who have limitations when it comes to wearing jewelry, teen boys use almost any kind of jewelry. They even wear jewelry that are commonly worn by girls. Amazingly, teenage boys still make them work!
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