Other Colorful Pearl Jewelry Combinations
Pearls and Swarovski crystals aren't the only pairing worn by fashionistas. For a cool, colorful summer look, multicolored pearls (sometimes up to ten different colors) are combined with a dozen different colors of seashell pieces to create a vibrant necklace. For an extraordinary evening look, irregularly shaped freshwater pearls are combined with irregularshapes of bright coral and gold spacers to protect the pearls. This kind of chunky necklace is the perfect accessory to the simpler, more tailored lines in fashion this spring and summer.
When it comes to buying pearl jewelry, tradition certainly has its place. But it's important to remember that pearl jewelry can also make a fashion statement, and can be incorporated into your everyday personal style.
Unlike other precious diamonds and metals that are cut, shaped, polished and crafted to display the brilliance and colors, pearls are natural gems that have natural lustrous appeal and have dazzled many Queens and Princesses for many years. One often finds celebrities, film starlets; young sexy models have graciously displayed pearl jewelry with their designer's outfits. Pearl jewelry designed with quality lustrous pearls are indeed very eye-catching and look very pretty and awesome. In the ancient times, only Royal families and rich affluent people had the privileges to possess pearls and ordinary folks had no access to them. But now all women have the luxury to wear any type of pearl jewelry of her choice. Not only are so many types of pearls and pearl jewelry available to choose from but are much more affordable now.
There was time when only natural peals were used in pearl jewelry and often it was hard to find in the deep Sea water and the quantity was scarce. But thanks to the new culturing techniques, there has been tremendous growth in production of quality cultured pearls and all natural pearls are almost rarity now. Different types of pearls are grown in different regions depending upon the pearl type oysters. Proximately pearls are farmed in Japan, China, Australia, Indonesia and French Polynesian Island areas and it has become the billion dollars industry in the last few decades. There has been great surge in demand as women now have more access to their wealth and money and love to enjoy wearing the exciting and captivating natural shining pearl jewelry.
Many people often ask how to clean their diamond jewelry so that it is brilliant and full of fire. Diamonds attract grease and dirt like a magnet. Lotions, creams, hairspray, makeup and perfume form a film over your diamonds over time and make them look dull and lifeless.
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