The styles of jewelry used by the Native American Indians:
Each Native American Indian tribe has its own distinct style. Do not be confused by jewelry that is claimed to be Native American Indian but does not have the Navajo, Zuni, Hopi or Santo Domingo styles. The Zuni Indian jewelry includes styles and techniques such as mosaic, channel inlay, cluster, needlepoint and petit point. These techniques involve the use of a variety of stones and shells.
Cultured pearls are the only organically produced gems in the world. They do not need to be cut or polished to show off their beauty, so each will be as unique as a snowflake, exhibiting different types of growth characteristics. These growth characteristics, no matter how small or how large, are known as inclusions or blemishes. Because all cultured pearls exhibit some form of growth characteristic the US Federal Trade Commission has disallowed the usage of the term "flawless" when describing cultured pearls.
Despite the fact that growth characteristics are universally evident in cultured pearls, the degree of these characteristics is evaluated in the surface quality of an akoya pearl. When all other grading factors are consistent, the fewer blemishes or inclusions visible to the naked eye, the more valuable the pearl.
A - AAA Grading System
Although a universally accepted grading system for cultured akoya pearls does not currently exist, there does exist within the industry best practice standards which utilize a grading system of A - AAA and hanadama.
A strand of hanadama grade pearls is one that has been certified by the Pearl Science Laboratory of Japan as exhibiting the highest quality traits in terms of shape, luster, surface, and nacre thickness.
In order for an akoya strand to be graded AAA all value factors must fall within the top five percent of the quality criteria. AAA grade strands are considered the best, non-hanadama certified strands in the world.
A strand or pearl not meeting the criteria of AAA is one that fails to reach the top five percent of each of the quality criteria. A grade of AA will mean the strand falls within the top 20 percent, and a grade of AA+ would then mean the strand falls between grades AA and AAA.
pearl strands wholesale requires consent I didn't consent. I wasn't even conscious and I generally don't have sterling silver 925 when I'm unconscious. RAPE ISN'T EVEN ABOUT SEX. It's not motivated by desire. RAPE IS ABOUT VIOLENCE AND CONTROL AND FORCE. A robber might use a gun or knife as a weapon. THOSE WHO RAPE USE SEX AS A WEAPON. Sometimes they use sex and a knife or a gun or in my case pearls and crystals necklaces and amnesiac drugs. I avoid the term DATE RAPE DRUGS here because I wasn't on a date when this stranger decided to drop something into my drink, follow me from the bar then rape me.
Orignal From: The styles of jewelry used